Sunday, 19 July 2020

Safety Consulting | Flexra Saftey

Schedule your onsite assessment today!
  • Evaluations include specific compliance recommendations on strategies and products to help your managers identify and correct unsafe working conditions.
  • We work directly with your safety team while conducting the survey to provide immediate feedback and best-demonstrated practices.
  • Assessments contain several tools to help you with your safety program including compliance checklists, hazard identification, reference materials, and plans for improvements.
  • After the assessment is completed you will receive a comprehensive summary of your workplace and a training guide to help your safety team and employees properly use and maintain your emergency eyewash and drench shower equipment.
  • Industries served include healthcare, manufacturing, food processing, laboratories, education, oil/gas, chemical processing, and more.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

A Quintessential Guide to PPE or Personal Protection Equipment

When it comes to working environments and factory floors, one of the most visible appliances is personal protection equipment or PPE.  These equipment are usually worn by the factory workers and employees  to protect themselves from any injury and to minimize any chance of  exposure to extreme occupational hazards. Some of the most common  examples of PPE are aprons, gloves, foot, eye and head gears, fall  protection and safety jackets. Though here we would be talking about  mostly PPE, it should be well understood that the utilization of such  equipment is just one element in a comprehensive safety program that  includes several other strategies for the safety of employees and to  maintain a secure work environment. But the mere presence of personal  protection equipment on a person’s body doesn’t guarantee the complete  safety as it doesn’t eliminate the hazard itself. Now let’s talk about  the essential elements of personal protection equipment.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

More Powerful Together: Overcoming Resistance to Diversity & Inclusion

I love March! It’s the time of year when gender equality is on the radar thanks to International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. Businesses are keen to promote events and initiatives, individuals get to celebrate achievements and status quos are scrutinised and challenged. It’s a time that fills me with optimism for the future. Which is particularly important to me this year as it’s the first International Women’s Day I get to celebrate with my four-month-old daughter.
Whilst I get excited about International Women’s Day, I know not everyone I work with shares my sentiments. I work with leaders in the resource, construction and energy sectors to shift cultures and lift performance in a range of areas including operational efficiency, safety and inclusive leadership. I have been working in these industries for over a decade and whilst I’m proud that diversity and inclusion has become a strategic focus for most companies, I have noticed a growing resentment or pushback in individuals when the topic of gender equality, domestic violence, #MeToo or any other related subject is raised.

Where to Buy Industrial Safety Shoes Online at the Best Price in the USA?

Wearing industrial safety shoes has become so prominent and important today, to prevent the workers from severe hazardous conditions in the ...